26 Jun 2024

art KARLSRUHE Friends and Sponsors premiere a complete success: art auction secures five-figure sum for the Parkinson's Foundation

Full rows: works of art auctioned for a total of 77,800.00 euros

Credit: Lars Behrendt

77,800.00 euros - that is the impressive result of the first benefit auction organized by the Friends and Sponsors of art KARLSRUHE in cooperation with Messe Karlsruhe. Dynamic, rousing and entertaining, the evening's auctioneer, Kristian Jarmuschek, succeeded in making numerous arms jump up in the packed auction room. A total of 50 works of art were auctioned off at the Konzerthaus in Karlsruhe, achieving a proud total result of 77,800.00 euros. "Together with our guests, we were able to spend a wonderful evening in the special ambience of the Konzerthaus, where top-class, selected works of art from the art KARLSRUHE galleries were shown to an enthusiastic audience, accompanied by good music, exquisite wines, food and good conversation," says Britta Wirtz, Managing Director of Messe Karlsruhe and Chairwoman of the Board of the Friends and Sponsors of art KARLSRUHE. "But the most important thing for us is that we were able to achieve a fantastic result with our charity art auction and thus actively support the Parkinson's Foundation."

TV legend Frank Elstner thanks personally

Credit: Lars Behrendt
TV legend Frank Elstner in conversation with Britta Wirtz, Managing Director of Messe Karlsruhe and presenter Max Moor.

Frank Elstner, who has been an ambassador for the Parkinson's Foundation for several years, was more than pleased with the successful evening, which he accompanied on site: "Being here today is a very special occasion for me and a wonderful combination," he says. "This event brings people interested in art to an auction in the hope that a lot of money will be raised to support research and science that cannot yet cure Parkinson's, but is well on the way to treating it in the next few years." Around 400,000 people in Germany suffer from Parkinson's, and the disease still has no cure. The Parkinson's Foundation, which was founded in 2019 by the German Society for Parkinson's and Movement Disorders, has set itself the task of providing information about the disease and promoting research into possible forms of therapy.

Generous support from the galleries and top-class works of art

Credit: Lars Behrendt
Kristian Jarmuschek, the evening's auctioneer, accepts the next bid.

The well-known television presenter Max Moor, who hosted the evening, welcomed around 180 guests who were impressed by the works to be auctioned. Works by artists such as Christopher Lehmpfuhl, Willi Siber, Johanna Wagner, Gretel Haas-Gerber and Carlo Krone, winner of this year's art KARLSRUHE prize, went under the hammer. "We are very grateful to our galleries for the exquisite selection of artworks," says Kristian Jarmuschek, auction director of the evening and chairman of the art KARLSRUHE advisory board. "Together with the members of the Support association, we have not only been able to serve a purpose that is meaningful for all of us with our benefit auction, but have also fulfilled our mission of promoting art in the best possible way. To the delight of the young artists, the Förderverein was also able to bring a work by the Kunstpädagogische Kinder- und Jugendarbeit Durlach under the hammer. We can now build on this success across the board, which was only possible thanks to the commitment of numerous sponsors, and look forward to further events of this kind."

Further information: art-karlsruhe.de, facebook.com/artkarlsruhe, instagram.com/art_karlsruhe, linkedin.com/artkarlsruhe


Portrait Bedriye Siringül
Journalist service
Bedriye Siringül
PR Manager
T: +49 15111 282206