Hans Platschek Prize 2022 goes to Osmar Osten

For 15 years now, the Hans Platschek Foundation has been awarding its eponymous art prize at art KARLSRUHE - Classical Modern and Contemporary Art, which will take place this year from 7 to 10 July 2022 in the Karlsruhe exhibition halls. The award will be presented to the prize-winner Osmar Osten on the opening day of the international art fair: the award ceremony is scheduled for Thursday (7 July) at 5 p.m. at the ARTIMA art Forum of the newly designed Hall 3.
Just like the foundation, the award commemorates the life and work of its namesake, the painter and writer Hans Platschek, who died over 20 years ago. The artist, who was born in Berlin in 1923 and died in Hamburg in 2000, was regarded throughout his life as a critical forerunner and rethinker of artistic positions after the Second World War. The foundation in his honour was founded in 2005 by the lawyer Kurt Groenewold. Alongside him, the current board of the foundation consists of Bettina Steinbrügge (Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean) and Sebastian Giesen (Hermann Reemtsma Foundation).
It is no coincidence that the Hans Platschek Prize for Art and Writing has always been presented to painters and sculptors who themselves work with the word. From Helga Schmidhuber (2020), Monica Bonvicini (2019) to Jonathan Meese (2017) and Werner Büttner (2011) - a total of 14 artists were each nominated by a juror and, on the occasion of the award ceremony at art KARLSRUHE, were able to place their work in dialogue with works by Platschek in a special show. Most recently, the prize was awarded to the painter Monika Baer (2021).

On 7 July 2022, the Chemnitz artist Osmar Osten will join the ranks of the prize winners. Beginning with an apprenticeship as a landscape gardener, Osten studied painting and graphic arts at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts from 1980 to 1985. In addition to a long-standing collaboration with the "Salvatore e Caroline Ala" gallery in Milan, he has exhibited in numerous German and international galleries and museums. The President of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Ulrike Lorenz, has been observing Osmar Osten's artistic development for decades. The fact that she as the Platschek Prize juror chose him is documented by her with significance: "With his post-dadaist painting and in ironic short texts, he remains unimpressed on the trail of the absurdities of human existence. A witty contemporary with a philanthropic delight in the grotesque."
Loth Sculpture Prize - donated by L-Bank - awarded for the fourth time
In addition to the Hans Platschek Prize, the Loth Sculpture Prize sponsored by L-Bank is also part of the supporting programme of this year's summer edition of art KARLSRUHE. The prize was last awarded in 2020. At that time, artist Gary Schlingheider, represented by Galerie Burster (Berlin), was delighted to receive the award. The prize of 20,000 euros is awarded by a jury of experts to one of a total of 24 sculptures. These are among the distinctive features of the art fair. The prize is awarded to both the gallery and the artist. The award ceremony will take place on Friday (8 July 2022, 5 pm) at the ARTIMA art Forum in Hall 3.
Prize for the best one-artist show
The award ceremonies will be completed by the art KARLSRUHE prize for the best one-artist show at the fair. With this award, the State of Baden-Württemberg and the City of Karlsruhe honour both an artist and a gallery owner. Works from the award-winning one-artist show will be promoted for the art KARLSRUHE Collection, which is administered by the Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe, to the value of 15,000 euros. The last winner was artist Annette Kelm and Galerie König (Berlin) . At art KARLSRUHE 2022, the prize will be awarded on Saturday (9 July 2022, 11 am) at the ARTIMA art Forum in Hall 3.